Friday, 3 October 2014

Ritual for my creative work.

Hello Friday Lovers!  

This morning I got to thinking about establishing rituals around my creative work.  For awhile now I have known that it's a headspace I need to open into.  Because I spend so much time entrenched in the world of linear thinking & doing (THINK: school, media, work dogma), I get easily distracted from staying focused creatively.  Creative work is such a free and open avenue & I seem to follow any intuitive spark down rabbit holes of forgetfulness and end up starting too many projects and not staying focused on just a few, or not getting my finished pieces TO MARKET so I can make some cosmic cash for the work I do.
I am so used to having deadlines provided for me that I find it hard to do it for myself, BUT, I also know that if I put my mind to something I have a great deal of inner strength to see it through.  The trick is to put my mind to it though, which is easier said than done.  So today I  jotted down things that spark intuitive inspiration while keeping me focused on the task at hand.  I have found that repeating things over & over gives our Monkey Brain a kick in the can so we can access our available power. (I LOVE kicking the Monkey Brain in the can).
Once we establish a routine that feels soothing & honours our need to be inspired, we are better able to get to it and WORK! Which is awesomesaucery in all its glorious forms.

Here's my sweet little list. Keep in mind, it is a work in progress and subject to my ever-changing cosmic inclinations.


-aura-cleansing, REIKI, meditation (for centering)
-mindfulness in my body and in this moment ( to keep centered)
-tea and incense (to set the core of my center deliciously on FIRE)
-feathers, or A feather (to remind me to stay free and loose; to be courageous and take a flying leap OUT OF THE BOX)
-a moment to free think/write/ create (to keep me OUT OF THE BOX & in my center)
-time to read (sparks my creative soul-fire)
-music of various types (this is like air for the soul-fire; helps the flames dance)
-wear cozy, soft clothes and be in a warm, grounded environment (to soothe me into my rhythm)
And sometimes...
-take a walk, stretch, plank, elliptical (to break it all up and crack it back open; keeps the soul-fire a-burning)

These are things I can do one-by-one or altogether to help spark the flame.  They get me in the groove and set me on a path to accomplish a task.  They will never be followed in linear order, but will circle around and evolve and fall away just as life does.

What would your rituals be?

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