Around my place, life is full of twists and turns and hard work, as always, and I'm learning to embrace it all and be as patient with my tendency towards impatience as I can be. Learning to be gentle with myself and realize I can only do so much; giving myself props for all that I do get done, and soaking up as much living with my loves as I can.
I've been secretly working on lots of new illustrations (which I'm completely smitten with) for an upcoming market fair in June.
It's my first market to showcase my work which is exciting & awesome & nerve wracking all at once!
All the details are threatening to drown me, as I am still working 28 hours a week at my retail job in addition to caring for my children and home. My awesome husband is a big help and plans to build me my display units which takes a big load off my mind, and gives me space to curate the art work.
I've been trying to figure out what I'm hoping to get out of this experience, and what I've come up with is exposure. I feel like getting out there and meeting people in real life is going to help build my brand and move me forward toward my goals. Sales are nice too, though, so I'm meditating on sales as well. :)
Off I go to get this day rolling, got lots to do!
Happy Thursday friends.
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