Thursday, 29 May 2014

Trust in the beauty of your dreams.

Oh man alive!  I am really excited about the upcoming Mikone Market. Getting prepared for it has been a whirlwind and I'm not sure if I'm coming or going most days, but thats ok, because taking the big leap of publicly showing my collection of work has pushed me to do the things I've been thinking about, but putting off. 
It's forced me to belly up to the plate and take a crack at the bat. It's given me the energy and inspiration to trust myself, my work, my dreams and go full on. To get all in. To giver and getter done. 
Pretty darn awesome & I love it. 

The image above is a snap of a Goethe quote painted in brush script and printed on canvas. It is gorgeous. Simply stunning and swoon worthy. 
It is printed from MY handsome beast of a pro photo printer which I purchased in October and I am thrilled with it.  THRILLED. 

It's so satisfying and wonderful to see the fruit of my labour, blood, sweat & tears. To hold my dream in my hands and gaze upon it in real life gives my heart  wings and clicks my fragmented spirit back into one whole piece. This. This is living passion. This is what listening to the whispers of my heart has become. This is what following your dreams and working really hard looks like folks. And I'm here to tell you: if I can make my dreams real, so can you. You can too. You just have to learn how to trust yourself and you can do anything. 

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Love amid chaos

Oh Hey! Happy Monday. How's it goin'?
Over here things are somewhat chaotic and messy. Perfect conditions for a little kick in the pants.  Phew. I can totally move mountains when I'm treading chaotic waters. Its not great for my heart but it gets the juices flowing and the inspiration jivin. 

This weekend I wrestled with my printer which is a beast of a machine. It probably won more battles than I did but times like these help me to learn how persistent I can truly be.  Something I don't give myself enough credit for. 

The photo above is a little snap I took with my iPhone. It's a small slice of what's going on in my studio right now. 

It's a complete disaster!  What a mess. Craaaazzzy messy, but that tells me two things: I am busy making art & I am living passionately amid chaos. That's a beautiful thing. Well, actually two things, but who's counting?

Also, that sweet little print?  It's gorgeous and is going to be making its way to its new home with Christa on June 7 when I hit the Mikone market at Cobble Hill Hall. 
I love it and I love it's message. Love you more. To me it means so many things. It's what my mom says to my children when she says goodbye, it's the inspiring message my dear friend & neighbour Joeleen would use to finish off her emails when she was sharing her courageous battle with illness last fall. It's the way I feel about making art and being an artist. I love making art and it helps me to love myself more. Whenever I feel like I'm not good enough, art pulls me to the place where nothing matters except to create. 
When I go there, I am simply in love with life. I love art and life and myself more & more. 

Thanks for your support friends! I love you more too. 


Rooted in the flow of creativity.

Welllll, hello there. How's every one this fine day? I'm sitting here with a todo list miles long and all I can think about is painting new art. Of course. Were coming up on Mercury Retrograde soon which means I HAVE to get my prints done for the Mikone Market like, last week!! Mercury tends to mess with things like plans, and technological stuff so really, I should be getting on it, but my paints and pencil crayons are calling me. 

Really, I'm dreaming about the art I plan to do while I'm at the market! Live art, so fun!! I cannot wait to be there and be part of the vibe and share my work with the community. I'm really excited to meet other vendors and see their work. It's gonna be beautiful. 

Today, the plan is to get my printer cranked up and shake out some gorgeous prints. Maybe a little family time will be squeezed in there too, and a delicious meatless dinner? Groceries? Oh gosh, this is looking like a full day. 
First up, guzzle back my coffee and get my fingers covered in paint!  That will help me get my head on straight enough to get the rest of it done. 
Cheers to you and all your plans for the day. Make it a gooder folks. 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

I love May.

Hi friends! Are you all loving this gorgeous month of May as much as I am?  It is my fave month because the world just feels so full of life and beauty and sunshine! Triple hooray for sun and for springtime! Here on the island, we have it pretty freaking  good weather-wise, but it looks like the rest of the country is finally getting a break from winter too.

Around my place, life is full of twists and turns and hard work, as always, and I'm learning to embrace it all and be as patient with my tendency towards impatience as I can be. Learning to be gentle with myself and realize I can only do so much; giving myself props for all that I do get done, and soaking up as much living with my loves as I can. 

I've been secretly working on lots of new illustrations (which I'm completely smitten with) for an upcoming market fair in June.
It's my first market to showcase my work which is exciting & awesome & nerve wracking all at once!
All the details are threatening to drown me, as I am still working 28 hours a week at my retail job in addition to caring for my children and home. My awesome husband is a big help and plans to build me my display units which takes a big load off my mind, and gives me space to curate the art work. 
I've been trying to figure out what I'm hoping to get out of this experience, and what I've come up with is exposure.  I feel like getting out there and meeting people in real life is going to help build my brand and move me forward toward my goals. Sales are nice too, though, so I'm meditating on sales as well. :)

Off I go to get this day rolling, got lots to do!

Happy Thursday friends.