Saturday, 16 May 2015


You. From the moment your fluttering heart began beating inside my body, you captivated me--heart and soul--entirely.

It's been TEN years with you and Its has been a really wonderful journey to watch you become the human you are, and see the space you are carving out in this world. 

I love everything about you. Everything. I love the way you say "I love you" repeatedly when anyone you love has to leave. I love the way you tease the dog because that's the way you two roll. I love the way you create entire worlds from your imagination on paper, or from cardboard or in The garden with stones and leaves. I love the way you fought with me as a two year old each time I tried to buckle you into your car seat because you despised being confined. I love everything. Everything about you--the easy stuff and the hard stuff-- it's all you. 
You're a lover. The care you have for others runs deep to your core. I love that about you.  You're a fighter. You will not be told to sit or stay if that is not what you feel like doing. You won't be held down. I love that about you. 

Ten years is a decent amount of time to be on Earth. You've learned so much and you've grown up so fast. I want to bottle you up right now so that this moment can somehow last forever because right now you are on a cusp of moving into a new story of who you are and yet you are still living the story of a young sweet innocent girl who loves life. 

I want you to know my darling that you have made me a better person. You've taught me many lessons in mothering that I didn't know I needed to learn. You've taught me patience and you've taught me about stamina. You've shown me that family is the most important thing in the world and that sticking it out is worth everything. 
I want you to know that I admire you for your tenacity, humour and courage.
You're not afraid to speak out. You're not afraid to wear mismatched socks or sing in front of others or be kind to those people that get left behind. I admire these things and so much more. 
Everything about You is wonderful and valuable and this world sparkles with more hope and love because of you. 

Thank you sweet one for being here, for being our girl, and for being You. 

Xo- mama.